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Deep Root Feeeding


Why Do My Trees Need Deep Root Feeding?

Deep root feeding is important when there are no new sources for nutrients other than the occasional broken sewer line; especially, in suburbs where leaves are removed that would normally compost and feed the roots of the tree.  Tree’s need nutrients to grow and have strong roots.
Deep root feeding saves water because it is more efficient than surface watering, feeding only the tree, and not any weeds that could be growing on the surface.  It is also environmentally friendly because it reduces erosion, evaporation and fertilizer runoff.
Timing matters in deep root feeding. When fertilizer is applied, it will affect what part of the tree develops and when. Deep root feeding in the spring will encourage tip and leaf growth. Feeding in the summer encourages wood production. Fertilizing in the fall develops roots.
You may ask yourself, “If the tree looks okay to me, why should I pay to have the roots fed?”  The fact is the tree may look good to you and yet still be sick or under nourished. Often trees do not show any signs of illness that a non-professional can recognize until it is too late.
Call one of our professional arborists on staff at 972-416-1799 for advice on whether your trees would benefit from deep root fertilization.




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